as i turned 27, i was lingering on the thought that i am getting older and i should act more mature. since my b-day is in the summer, i never had school (other than dental school), i was bummed that i had to work on my b-day. i could have chose to get the day off, but i am planning to take time off for a mission trip so i was trying to limit my days off.

after a week of 12 hr work days, i was even more bummed to start my b-day at 7am. luckily the day went quickly, i got a beautiful flower arrangement from my husband and an awesome cake from my office and before i knew it was time to go home. when i was going to walk out, i found my husband at the door. he said he came by to say hello. i thought nothing of it because my husband comes to visit once in awhile on the way to an errand or church. we went into our separate cars, and i noticed some mess on the passenger seat. i didn't remember seeing the stuff their earlier. so i grabbed it to see what it was and i found a letter from isaac explaining that he had planned a progressive birthday surprise. there were four envelopes with addresses and times and i was to correspond to each location and time to open the envelope. i started to cry because i was moved by the thoughtfulness that my husband took time to present his gift. each envelope also had a letter written and the day ended with a beautiful dinner with friends at mission inn. actually the b-day weekend continued with parties on sat & sun with more friends...

i just wanted to announce to the world that i have the best & most thoughtful husband in the world. it was like the sweetest thing isaac had done for my b-day and i will never forget it.
* thanks to all my lfriends that came out to celebrate and i appreciate all the cards, gifts, and giftcards!!! love ya lots

1 comment:
Hey Grace. It was good seeing you! Dude, Isaac is so sweet. Those flowers are beautiful!
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