My Mexico journey started with a new adventure I have never taken before. Nathan and I left together from the San Bernardino airport on his dad’s 4 seater airplane. I was expecting the ride to be quite scary. When I sat in the back, there was room for two and enough height that I didn’t feel claustrophobic. Furthermore, since we were below the clouds it was really cool to see everything from up top. I saw the Loma Linda pagoda and my neighborhood as well. It was pretty cool to see the border too. There was no great difference on either side of the border. The flight was slightly bumpy but I did not get nauseous and I enjoyed the ride. Maybe I was better prepared after watching Batman from the 4th row.
Nathan and I were picked up by Sandy, a local volunteer from Yugo Ministries, the organization we are building through. Before we joined the group to build, we ate at a amazing taco stand that had fresh grilled meat, homemade tortillas and grilled green onions to complement our dishes. Yummy!
When I got to the building sight, I was impressed with how much the group had already built. Most of the house was put together, and they were in the process of building the window frames and mudding the house. Everyone was covered with plaster and sweat on their clothes and hair. The family we are building for was joining on the grounds getting their hands dirty as well. The mother and her boys were building benches with some scrap wood pieces. I couldn’t believe how good she is with the tools and how strong she is. The woman is half my size and her face is worn with stories of hardship and struggle. I’m sure that raising 6 children isn’t the easiest thing for her at the age of 35. Furthermore, I couldn’t believe how adaptive and independent her children were. The infant and toddler both knew how to entertain themselves and walk around without their mom right by their side. Both of them were covered by dirt from head to toe and literally rolling on the ground. They were adorable and it was rewarding for me when I got them to open up and smile, talk and laugh. My first challenge was accomplished so I moved into the house to learn the basics of mudding.
I have only been here for a day, and I have been tremendously blessed by the sacrifice I have witnessed. The sacrifices of our own team members, the sacrifices of the local missionaries, the sacrifice of the mother of the family, and witnessing poverty not only on the streets, but on the faces of the children got to my heart. I feel vulnerable being involved in a mission building project that is not my element. I feel vulnerable but I am so grateful to able to soak up and be empowered by God’s love.